
Kille, 32 år. Bor i Örebro, Örebro län. Är offline och var senast aktiv: 25 januari kl. 17:20



Riktigt namn: Haase Civilstatus: Öken
Läggning: Asexuell
Intresse: Nörda
Bor: Kartong
Politik: Anarkist
Dricker: Diverse
Musikstil: Allt
Klädstil: Blandat
Medlem sedan: 2009-01-12


Murre har inte lagt till några event än.


Neglected emotions lead to catastrophic voyage on the other side.
I have been given so much stress and lack of confidence.
I've been given the gift of so small hope deep inside.
I haven't closed my eyes in a long time, I am trying.

I cannot stomach these forms and colors anymore.
but I'm here to continue, after all I have been through.
I try to keep my eyes open, I am realizing;
This life and death more precious than anything

Gojira - The Art Of Dying.

"Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity."

"You know, they say when you talk to God it's prayer, but when God talks to you it's... schizophrenia."

Murres musik

1200 MicrogramsABACABBAC/DCAerosmithAlice CooperAngerfistAnthraxApocalypticaAsta KaskAstral ProjectionAstrixAttentat Billy IdolBizzare ContactBlack SabbathBloodhound GangBoards of CanadaBob MarleyBonoboBrian "Head" Welch Bryan AdamsCharta 77CherChildren of BodomCivil OlydnadCoca CarolaCocorosie CombichristCradle of FilthCrystal CastlesDaath Daft PunkDanzigDark TranquillityDarling Violetta David BowieDe Lyckliga KompisarnaDead KennedysDeadmau5 Deep PurpleDeftonesDestructionDethklokDia PsalmaDisturbedDropkick MurphysDunderpatrullenEbba GrönEisbrecherEisenfunkEluveitieEmigrateEnya Equilibrium EvanescenceExplosions In The SkyFinntrollFlogging MollyGojiraGorillazGregorianGuns N' RosesHatebreedHoly FuckImperietInfected MushroomIngentingIntriveIron MaidenJoan jettJohnny CashJustice KornKreatorKrymplingsKöttgrottorna Leonard CohenLodgerLudwig van BeethovenLynyrd SkynyrdMegadethMeshuggahMichael JacksonMimikryMisfitsMobyModerat LikvidationMonark XMotörheadMörbyliganMötley CrueNATIONALTEATERNs ROCKORKESTERNavid Modiri & GudarnaNeelixNirvanaNäsblodOOMPH!OpethOzzy OsbournePanteraPastoratet PendulumPink FloydPlaceboPortisheadProdigyPuddle of MuddQueenQueens Of The Stone AgeRadioaktiva RäkerRadioheadRage against The machineRammsteinRamonesRancidRasta HundenRasta KnastRatatatRaubtierRaunchyRed Hot Chili PeppersRise AgainstRob ZombieRonald JenkeesRussian CirclesRöyksoppScars on broadwaySerj TankianSex PistolsShpongle Sista SekundenSista skriket SkitargSkitsystemSkumdumSlagsmålsklubbenSlayerSolar FieldsSoundgardenSpace TribeStar Fucking HipstersSystem of a DownTalamascaTenacious DThe CardigansThe ClashThe DistillersThe ExploitedThe HeavyThe king bluesThe KnifeThe misfitsThe Octopus ProjectThe OffspringThe SoundsThe White StripesThåströmTISMToolTotalt Jävla MörkerTrentemøllerTrevolt Van cantoVan HalenVarnagelVelvet UndergroundVemoth VibrasphereW.A.S.P.Weird Al YankovicWhite stripesWhite ZombieWoodkid

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Ponyo Tjej, 27 år

Ser typ ut som att pusheen slår pattarna på tangentbordet lol