
Tjej, 26 år. Bor i Brålanda, Västra Götalands län. Är offline



Civilstatus: Upptagen
Läggning: Osäker
Intresse: Musik
Bor: Kartong
Politik: Politik?
Dricker: Öl
Musikstil: Allt
Klädstil: Svart
Medlem sedan: 2014-12-07


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EllaRoses musik

3 Doors Down30 Seconds To MarsA Day To RememberAC/DCAcceptAdeptAerosmithAesthetic PerfectionAFIAlestormAlice CooperAlice in ChainsAll That RemainsAll Time LowAmarantheAmon AmarthAnaal NathrakhAnthraxApocalypticaArch EnemyArchitectsArctic MonkeysAs I Lay DyingAsking Alexandria Asta KaskAt The GatesAttack Attack!Attack! Attack!AttilaAvatarAvenged SevenfoldAvril LavigneBabyMetalBauhausBeartoothBehemothBilly IdolBilly TalentBlack Eyed PeasBlack SabbathBlack Veil BridesBlessthefallBlink-182BlondieBlood On The Dance FloorBlue Öyster CultBlutengelBon JoviBorn of osirisBreaking BenjaminBreathe CarolinaBring Me The HorizonBullet for My ValentineBurzumCandlemassCannibal CorpseCarnifexChelsea GrinChildren of BodomCombichristCradle of FilthCrown the EmpireCrystal CastlesDanzigDark FuneralDark TranquillityDaughtryDavid BowieDead By AprilDead KennedysDeep PurpleDef LeppardDepeche ModeDia PsalmaDimmu BorgirDio DisturbedDream EvilDropkick MurphysDrowning PoolEbba GrönEisbrecherEluveitieEmilie AutumnEmmureEnter ShikariEscape The FateEvanescenceFall Out BoyFalling In ReverseFinntrollFit For RivalsFive Finger Death PunchFlyleafFoo FightersGarmarnaGazette Get scaredGhost God ModuleGojiraGood CharlotteGorillazGreen DayGuns N' RosesHalestormHammerfallHardcore SuperstarHawthorne HeightsHeartHelloweenHellyeah HIMHollywood UndeadHopes die lastI See StarsIce Nine KillsIggy PopImagine DragonsIn FlamesIn This MomentInfected MushroomIron MaidenJimi HendrixJimmy Eat WorldJoan jettJoan Jett And The BlackheartsJohnny CashJoy DivisionJudas PriestKerberaKillswitch EngageKing 810KissKornKorpiklaaniKraftwerkLacuna CoilLady GagaLamb Of GodLed ZeppelinLillasysterLimp BizkitLindemannLinkin parkLordiLynyrd SkynyrdManowarMarilyn MansonMayday ParadeMayhemMegadethMemphis May FireMeshuggahMetallicaMimikryMindless Self IndulgenceMisfitsMiss May IMotionless In WhiteMotörheadMUCCMumford and SonsMushroomheadMy Chemical RomanceMyrkurMötley CrueNachtmahrNightwishNine Inch NailsNirvanaNoiceNoisuf-XNomyNordmanOf Mice & MenOzzy OsbournePanic At The DiscoPanic! At The DiscoPanteraPapa RoachParamorePat BenatarPierce the VeilPink FloydPowerwolfQueenRage against The machineRainbowRammsteinRamonesRaubtierRed Hot Chili PeppersRise AgainstRob ZombieRoxetteSabatonScorpionsSeetherSeremedy Sex PistolsShiningSilversteinSimple PlanSixx:A.M.Skid RowSkilletSkitargSkrillexSkyndSlashSlaughter To PrevailSlayerSleeping With SirensSlipknotSonata ArcticaSteam Powered GiraffeSteel Panther Stone SourSuicide SilenceSum 41System of a DownT.A.T.uTaking Back SundayTenacious DThe 69 EyesThe All American RejectsThe All-American RejectsThe ArkThe Birthday MassacreThe Black Dahlia MurderThe ClashThe CranberriesThe CruxshadowsThe CrüxshadowsThe CureThe DoorsThe Ghost InsideThe killersThe misfitsThe OffspringThe Pretty RecklessThe RasmusThe Red Jumpsuit ApparatusThe Rolling StonesThe UsedThe White StripesThree days graceThy Art is MurderTokio HotelTriviumTwenty One PilotsTwisted SisterType O NegativeUnderoathUpon A Burning BodyVan HalenVOLBEATVoltaireW.A.S.P.WatainWe Butter The Bread With ButterWe Came As RomansWhitechapelWithin TemptationX-FUSIONYellowcardZakk WyldeZombie Girl

EllaRoses gästbok

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ALVAREZ Kille, 32 år

Jaaaa :D

SilverFolie 29 år

Peeps just be shit tbh, hence why I prefer the company of animals.

SilverFolie 29 år

And that's enough. Remember that.

ALVAREZ Kille, 32 år

Haha, jaaa, men menar ju sen när du fått ordning på allt givetvis ^^ Vi tar det då liksom ^^ Ingen stress så lugnt ^^

ALVAREZ Kille, 32 år

Okej, gött ^^

Hoppas få komma besöka dig och träffa dig sen då så fort du kan :D Hade varit askul ju ^^

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