
Kille, 30 år. Bor i Göteborg, Västra Götalands län. Är offline



Riktigt namn: Emanuel Civilstatus: Upptagen
Läggning: Inte valt
Intresse: Inte valt
Bor: Själv
Politik: Inte valt
Dricker: Juice
Musikstil: Inte valt
Klädstil: Inte valt
Medlem sedan: 2010-05-26

The cost of sanity in this society,

is a certain level of alienation.

Hustles musik

3 Doors Down30 Seconds To MarsA Day To RememberAbney ParkAcidiunAdeptAFIAll Shall PerishAll That RemainsAmmo AngelsArch EnemyAs Blood Runs BlackAugust Burns RedAvenged SevenfoldBehemothBilly TalentBleed From WithinBlink-182Bob MarleyBring Me The HorizonBullet for My ValentineCannibal CorpseCarnifexCedronChelsea GrinChildren of BodomCoheed and CambriaColdplayCradle of FilthD-A-DDead by SunriseDeadmau5 Dear WhoeverDevilDriverDimmu BorgirDopeDropkick MurphysEddie MeduzaEmmureEnter ShikariEscape The FateEvanescenceF.K.Ü.Five Finger Death PunchFlogging MollyGigi D'AgostinoGorillazHeaven shall burnHere Comes the KrakenHIMHollywood UndeadI Set My Friends On FireIn FlamesIwrestledabearonceJob For A CowboyJudas PriestKamelotKapten RödKentKillswitch EngageKing DiamondKornKutlessLamb Of GodLimp BizkitLinkin parkMachine HeadMarilyn MansonMemphis May FireMercyful FateMeshuggahMetallicaMiss May IMurderdollsMuseMushroomheadNine Inch NailsNirvanaOf Mice & MenParkway DrivePendulumRammsteinRed Hot Chili PeppersRise AgainstRob ZombieSeremedy SkrillexSlipknotStone SourSuicide SilenceSum 41System of a DownTenacious DThe Agonist The Black Dahlia MurderThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Word AliveThis or The ApocalypseTriviumVOLBEATWhitechapelWinds of PlagueYersinia

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Fredde Kille, 29 år
