Tjej, 28 år. Bor i Karlstad, Värmlands län. Är offline

Riktigt namn: Quentin Tarantino Civilstatus: EnsamLäggning: Osäker
Intresse: Slåss
Bor: I skogen
Politik: Hemligt
Dricker: Diverse
Musikstil: Synth
Klädstil: Lolita
Medlem sedan: 2013-11-07
feathersandglue har inte lagt till några event än.
feathersandglues musik
Aesop Rock, Alt-J, American Football, Anemone, Anthony Green, Arctic Monkeys, Bob Dylan, Bob Hund, Bon Iver, Cage The Elephant, Cap'n Jazz, Circa Survive, Circle Takes the Square, Dads, Death Grips, Echo, Echo, Landscape!, Eminem, Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate), Explosions In The Sky, Far Apart, Frank Zappa, Fucking Werewolf Asso, GO! With Fourteen o , I Hate Myself, If These Trees Could Talk, La Dispute, Led Zeppelin, Listener, Marilyn Manson, Maskinen, Men As Trees, mewithoutYou, Midwest Pen Pals, Movits, Mumford & Sons , Pink Floyd, Queen, Radiohead, Raein, Refused, Saetia, Say Anything, Silverstein, Skt. Conrad, Slagsmålsklubben, snowing, Snöras, Suis la lune, Syd Barrett, The Beatles, The Doors, The Saddest Landscape, The Smiths, The Streets, The Strokes, The Tallest Man On Earth, The Wombats, The World is a Beautiful Place & I am no Longer Afraid to Die, Thin Lizzy, This Town Needs Guns, Tiny Moving Parts, Touché Amoré, Tyler, The Creator, Vi som älskade varandra så mycket, Via Fondo, Why?, Yellowcard, You Blew It!