
Kille, 28 år. Är offline

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Riktigt namn: rasmus Civilstatus: Singel
Läggning: Straight
Intresse: Musik
Bor: Med föräldrarna
Politik: Politik?
Dricker: O´boy
Musikstil: Hårdrock
Klädstil: Hårdrock
Medlem sedan: 2009-09-20


br00tal_ har inte lagt till några event än.


br00tal_s musik

AbortedAC/DCAcceptAeonAgathodaimon AirbourneAlestormAlice CooperAlice in ChainsAll Shall PerishAll That RemainsAlter BridgeAmon AmarthAmorphisAngraAnnihilator Annotations of an AutopsyAnorexia nervosaAnthraxAnvil ApocalypticaApostasyArch EnemyArtificial HeartAs Blood Runs BlackAs I Lay DyingAsking Alexandria At The GatesAugust Burns RedAvantasiaAvenged SevenfoldAxel Rudi PellAxenstarBehemothBelphegorBishop of HexenBjörn RosenströmBlack Label SocietyBlack SabbathBlind GuardianBlood Red Throne BloodbathBloodboundBlue Öyster CultBorn of osirisBrainstormBruce DickinsonBryan AdamsBucketheadBulletBullet for My ValentineBury Your DeadBurzumCandlemassCannabis CorpseCannibal CorpseCarcassCarnifexCattle DecapitationCelladorCerebral BoreChickenfootChildren of BodomCinderellaCorroded Cradle of FilthCreedence Clearwater RevivalCrematoryCrucified BarbaraCryptopsyD-A-DDark FuneralDark TranquillityDavid GilmourDeathDecapitatedDeep PurpleDef LeppardDeicideDemons & WizardsDenicalisDespised IconDethklokDimmu BorgirDio DIODire StraitsDisgorge (US) Dismember DissectionDivine HeresyDream EvilDream TheaterDying FetusEaglesEddie MeduzaEdguyElvenkingEmperor EnsiferumEntombedEquilibrium Eric ClaptonEuropeEvergreyEvileExodus FinntrollFirewindFreedom callGamma RayGary Moore GorefestGorgorothGrave DiggerGravewormGraveyardHammerfallHardcore SuperstarHate eternal Heaven and HellHeaven shall burnHelloweenHere Comes the KrakenHypocrisyIced EarthImmortalIn Fear and FaithIn FlamesIn the Midst of LionsIron MaidenJames LabrieJob For A CowboyJoe SatrianiJohn LennonJohn PetrucciJornJourneyJudas PriestKalmahKamelotKillswitch EngageKing DiamondKreatorKrisiun KrokusLamb Of GodLed ZeppelinLeverageLeviathanLillasysterLynyrd SkynyrdMalevolent Creation ManowarMardukMarilyn MansonMasterplanMayhemMegadethMercyful FateMeshuggahMetallicaMichael KiskeMike OldfieldMnemicMorbid AngelMotörheadMutiny WithinMy Dying BrideMötley CrueNazarethNecrophagistNightwishNileNocturnal RitesObituaryObscura OceanoOld Man's Child OpethOutworld Ov HellOverkill Ozzy OsbournePagan's Mind PainPanteraParadise LostParkway DrivePaul McCartneyPink FloydPowerwolfPretty MaidsPrimal FearPrimusPungent StenchQueenRainbowREMRise To RemainRoger WatersRushSabatonSanctification SatyriconSaxonScar symmetryScorpionsSeptic FleshSetherialShadows FallSix Feet UnderSkinlessSkitargSlashSlayerSlipknotSoilworkSonata ArcticaSonic SyndicateSoreptionSpawn of PossessionStaindStatus Quo Steve VaiStrapping Young LadStratovariusSuffocation Suicide SilenceSymphony XTed NugentTenacious DTestAmenTThe Agonist The Alan Parsons ProjectThe AnswerThe BeatlesThe Black Dahlia MurderThe ContortionistThe Devin Townsend BandThe FacelessThe Irish FrontThe Rolling StonesThin LizzyThreat SignalThunderThunderstoneTorsofuckTotoTreat TriumphTriviumTwisted SisterUnleashedVaderVan HalenVenomW.A.S.P.WatainWe Butter The Bread With ButterWe Came With Broken TeethWhitechapelWhitesnakeWinds of PlagueWintersunY&TYngwie Malmsteen ZZ Top

br00tal_s gästbok

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iSlow Kille, 32 år
Tja! Vore gött om du ville ge detta en chans!
Hade gött!

AUM Tjej, 29 år

men då så! :3

AUM Tjej, 29 år

klart du vågar. lovade ju att vara snäll om du hälsar

AUM Tjej, 29 år

hemlisar ;)

AUM Tjej, 29 år

Vi som arrangerar ska ju inte delta i våra sadistiska lekar, men det ska ni :333

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