
Kille, 30 år. Bor i Umeå, Västerbottens län. Är offline



Riktigt namn: Riwl Civilstatus: Inte valt
Läggning: Inte valt
Intresse: Hår
Bor: Inte valt
Politik: Inte valt
Dricker: Milkshake
Musikstil: Inte valt
Klädstil: Inte valt
Medlem sedan: 2009-04-10


Kennens musik

3OH!3A Skylit DriveA Vain AttemptAerodroneAkissforjerseyAlesanaAlice CooperAlice in ChainsAlice NineAlkaline TrioAlways Look Before You LeapAmber PacificAmerican FootballAmy can FlyyAn CafeAnarborAnberlinArmor for sleepArtist vs Poet Artist vs. PoetAs I Lay DyingBefore Their EyesBilly TalentBleeding ThroughBless The Fallen BlessthefallBlinded BlackBlink-182Blood On The Dance FloorBlood On The DancefloorBreathe CarolinaBrokencydeBullet for My ValentineCall the copsCity SleepsCobra StarshipCombichristCrystal CastlesDance Gavin DanceDangerDaniel the PhotographerDead By AprilDir en greyDot Dot Curve Drop Dead, GorgeousEatmewhileimhotElectric ValentineEmeryEmpire of the sunEscape The FateEvanescenceEvery Time I DieFall Out BoyFalling In ReverseForever The Sickest KidsFrom First to LastGazette Geoffrey ParisGorillazGray MatterGreeley EstatesGreen DayGuns N' RosesHadouken!HalifaxHandshakes and HighfivesHawthorne HeightsHellogoodbyeHIMHoney is coolHurry! Lets goHyper CrushI Am GhostI See StarsI Set My Friends On FireIn Fear and FaithIn FlamesIntestinal DisgorgeJ BiggaJakewolfJeffree StarKap Bambino KentKerliKill HannahKill ParadiseKornLinkin parkLoveHateHeroLydiaMarilyn MansonMaximum the HormoneMayday ParadeMetro StationMILLIONAIRESMotionless In WhiteMozart SeasonMuseMutemath My Chemical RomanceNational ProductNative NodNever Shout Never! New Found GloryNickasaurNomyOur Last NightOwl City Panic At The DiscoPapa RoachParamoreParkway DrivePhoenix PlayRadioPlay!Porcelain And The TrampsRacing KitesRediscoverRites of SpringRöyksoppSaosinScary BitchesScary Kids Scaring KidsSCHOOL BOY HUMORSelect StartSenses FailSet Your GoalsShow Me The Skyline Sick CitySilversteinSimple PlanSince Forever Sing it loud Sky Eats AirplaneSlipknotStephen JerzakStone SourSTREET DOGSSunny Day Real EstateSystem of a DownTEEN HEARTSTexas Is The ReasonThe Blaqk YearThe BrainsThe Bride Wore Black The Click FiveThe Devil Wears PradaThe Dresden DollsThe Failing Farewell The Get Up KidsThe Medic DroidThe Pink Spiders The Red Jumpsuit ApparatusThe Red ShoreThe secret handshakeThe Spill CanvasThe Starting LineThe Word AliveThis ProvidenceThursdayUffie UnderoathUnsraWVearaWe are the arsenalWe Butter The Bread With ButterWe Came As RomansWecamewithbrokenteethWhotorchedcindrellaWinds of PlagueYellowcardYou Love Her Coz Shes DeadYou Me At SixZebrahead

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iSlow Kille, 32 år

Tjenare! Hoppas att jag inte stör men du borde kolla in Tror du skulle gilla det om du vill ge det en chans! :)

Punpun Tjej, 27 år

Aaw men man ser ju inte sååå tydligt på bilden xDD

Funderar dock på att köpa nya lite större c:

Punpun Tjej, 27 år

Gröna x3

(syns lite på bilden)

Punpun Tjej, 27 år

Åh taack! <3
Beställde dem från c:
Sjukt bra sida!

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MissManson Tjej, 30 år

Åh taaaack c': !

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