
Tjej, 26 år. Är offline



Riktigt namn: Heela Civilstatus: Öken
Läggning: Straight
Intresse: Dricka
Bor: Med mamma
Politik: Anarkist
Dricker: Whisky
Musikstil: Allt
Klädstil: Goth
Medlem sedan: 2014-10-20


xXBiKeySiXx har inte lagt till några event än.

xXBiKeySiXxs musik

12 Stones2pac30 Seconds To Mars36 Crazyfists50 CentA Day To RememberAkonAll Time LowAmarantheAmon AmarthAnvil Asking Alexandria At the Throne of JudgementAvenged SevenfoldAvril LavigneBass drum of deathBlack Veil BridesBlacklisted MeBlink-182Block 44Blood On The Dance FloorBlue StahliBlutengelBorgore Breaking BenjaminBring Me The HorizonBullet for My ValentineCalvin HarrisCapture The CrownCrown the EmpireCrystal CastlesDaft PunkDarudeDead By AprilDeathstarsDelainDemented Are GoDIODio Dj Bl3ndDj KhaledDj MangooDJ ShadowDj SplashDrowning PoolEazy-E Enter ShikariEscape The FateEskimo callboyEuropeEvanescenceFall Out BoyFive Finger Death PunchGhost TownGreen DayGuns N' RosesHacktivistHardwellHeadhunterzHollywood UndeadHoobastankIce CubeIn FlamesIron MaidenJeffree StarJudas PriestKE$HAKissKitokKittieKleerupKornLamb Of GodLinkin parkLord Of The LostMarilyn MansonMestMetallicaMindless Self IndulgenceMiss ConstructionMotionless In WhiteMy Chemical RomanceMötley CrueNew Years Day NickelbackNightcoreNirvanaOf Mice & MenOneRepublicOrphaned LandOTEPP.O.DParkway DrivePet shop boysPierce the VeilPink FloydPixiesPoisonRage against The machineRainbowRammsteinRascal FlattsRed Hot Chili PeppersRefusedSabatonSaosinSeetherSix Reasons To KillSlashSlayerSleeping With SirensSlipknotSuicide SilenceSystem of a DownT.A.T.uTerminal ChoiceThe Amity AfflictionThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Story So FarTRAPTWasted PenguinzWe are the OceanYou Me At Six

xXBiKeySiXxs gästbok

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Tole Kille, 31 år

Klart jag gör ;)

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Tole Kille, 31 år

Ska ut idag om 45 min :D

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Tole Kille, 31 år

I fjol så inte så länge sen, ser ju exakt likadan ut sen 9 år tillbaka o:

Tole Kille, 31 år

Ska du säga pöjken

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lolwtfbbq Kille, 32 år

tack :$

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